Gregorian Chant: Melodies II Music CD
Popular Gregorian chants from the Monks of Solesmes
Following the success of Gregorian Melodies, the monks of Solesmes have released Gregorian Melodies II. This volume contains more of the most popular chants including the Te Deum, Stabat Mater, and Ave Maria. There are also chants for the Liturgical Year from Advent to Pentecost, chants devoted to Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament, and the Mass of the Angels. All of the Gregorian chants on the recording have a corresponding page number next to the listing that refers to the Liber Cantualis.
This is an ideal CD with which to become acquainted with Gregorian chant. The sensitive performances by Dom Richard Gagneë and the monks of Solesmes enhance the value of this series.
Mass of the Angels
Track 1-Sprinkling of Holy Water Asperges me
Track 2-Sprinkling, Eastertide Vidi aquam
Track 3-Kyrie VIII
Track 4-Gloria VIII
Track 5-Alleluia Tu es Petrus
Track 6-Sanctus VIII
Track 7-Agnus VIII
Track 8-Hymn Conditor alme siderum
Track 9-Alleluia Ostende nobis
Track 10-Puer nobis in Bethlehem
Track 11-Alleluia Dominus dixit
The Passion
Track 12-Hymn Gloria laus
Track 13-Sequence Stabat Mater
Track 14-Alleluia Confitemini Domino
Track 15-Brief Responsory Spiritus Paraclitus
Benediction of the Holy Sacrament
Track 16-Chant of Exposition O salutaris
Track 17-Chant of Exposition Ecce panis
Track 18-Hymn Pange lingua gloriosi
Track 19-Psalm 116 Laudate Dominum
Chants to Our Lady
Track 20-Antiphon Alma Redemptoris
Track 21-Antiphon Ave Maria
Track 22-Antiphon Ave Regina caelorum
Track 23-Brief Responsory Ave Maria
Track 24-Hymn Ave maris stella
From the Office for the Departed
Track 25-Antiphon and Benedictus Ego sum
Track 26-Hymn Te Deum
Following the success of Gregorian Melodies, the monks of Solesmes have released Gregorian Melodies II. This volume contains more of the most popular chants including the Te Deum, Stabat Mater, and Ave Maria. There are also chants for the Liturgical Year from Advent to Pentecost, chants devoted to Our Lady and the Blessed Sacrament, and the Mass of the Angels. All of the Gregorian chants on the recording have a corresponding page number next to the listing that refers to the Liber Cantualis.
This is an ideal CD with which to become acquainted with Gregorian chant. The sensitive performances by Dom Richard Gagneë and the monks of Solesmes enhance the value of this series.
Mass of the Angels
Track 1-Sprinkling of Holy Water Asperges me
Track 2-Sprinkling, Eastertide Vidi aquam
Track 3-Kyrie VIII
Track 4-Gloria VIII
Track 5-Alleluia Tu es Petrus
Track 6-Sanctus VIII
Track 7-Agnus VIII
Track 8-Hymn Conditor alme siderum
Track 9-Alleluia Ostende nobis
Track 10-Puer nobis in Bethlehem
Track 11-Alleluia Dominus dixit
The Passion
Track 12-Hymn Gloria laus
Track 13-Sequence Stabat Mater
Track 14-Alleluia Confitemini Domino
Track 15-Brief Responsory Spiritus Paraclitus
Benediction of the Holy Sacrament
Track 16-Chant of Exposition O salutaris
Track 17-Chant of Exposition Ecce panis
Track 18-Hymn Pange lingua gloriosi
Track 19-Psalm 116 Laudate Dominum
Chants to Our Lady
Track 20-Antiphon Alma Redemptoris
Track 21-Antiphon Ave Maria
Track 22-Antiphon Ave Regina caelorum
Track 23-Brief Responsory Ave Maria
Track 24-Hymn Ave maris stella
From the Office for the Departed
Track 25-Antiphon and Benedictus Ego sum
Track 26-Hymn Te Deum