Gregorian Chant: Anthology Music CD

Gregorian Chant: Anthology Music CD

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This anthology is of great interest as the contents are in liturgical order, following the principal seasons (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Marian Feasts) representing the entire liturgical year. The beautiful Gregorian chant illuminates the liturgical texts, inviting the listener to contemplate the life of Christ and the foundation of the church.

This overview will provide more enjoyment for the experienced listener while making a splendid introduction to the beauty of Gregorian chant for the novice. Throughout the anthology the unique interpretive insights that are the hallmark of Solesmes' recordings are carefully preserved.

     Track 1-Christmas: Introit     Puer
     Track 2-Christmas     Ambrosian Gloria
     Track 3-Christmas: Communion     In splendoriubus
     Track 4-Christmas: Hymn     Christe redemptory
     Track 5-Christmas: Trope     Ecce nomen Domini
     Track 6-Maundy Thursday: Introit     Nos autem
     Track 7-Maundy Thursday: Responsory     Christus factus
     Track 8-Maundy Thursday: Offertory     Ubi caritas
     Track 9-Maundy Thursday: Hymn     Pange lingua
     Track 10-Good Friday: Responsory     Tenebrae
     Track 11-Good Friday: Hymn     Vexilla regis
     Track 12-Holy Saturday: Responsory     Ecce quomodo
     Track 13-Easter: Responsory     Christus resurgens
     Track 14-Easter: Gradual     Haec dies
     Track 15-Easter: Alleluia     Pascha nostrum
     Track 16-Easter: Sequence     Victimae paschali
     Track 17-Easter: Hymn     Ad coenam
     Track 18-Easter: Rhythm     Exsultemus
     Track 19-Easter: Sequence     Salve dies
     Track 20-Our Lady: Introit     Salve sancta Parens
     Track 21-Our Lady: Kyrie IX
     Track 22-Our Lady: Gradual     Benedicta
     Track 23-Our Lady: Offertory     Recordare
     Track 24-Our Lady: Antiphon     Regina caeli
     Track 25-Hymn     Te Deum
     Track 26-The bells of Solesmes

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