Gregorian Chant: Sundays in Ordinary Time Music CD
This release delivers a stirring collection of Gregorian chants, celebrating "Ordinary Time" - the season of the liturgical year between the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord and Lent, and from Pentecost Sunday until the beginning of the Advent season. Ordinary Time is the thread of the liturgical year, commemorating each Sunday with the Resurrection and the Paschal mystery. Expertly sung by the world-renowned monastic choir of Solesmes, France, this Gregorian chant recording enables listeners to participate in a rich experience of the church's liturgical year.
First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Track 1-Prelude in G Minor (S.535) J.S. Bach (organ)
Track 2-Introit In excelso throno
Track 3-Gradual Benedictus Dominus
Track 4-Alleluia Jubilate Deo
Track 5-Offertory Jubilate Deo
Track 6-Basse de trompette and Tierce en taille in D Louis Marchand (organ)
Track 7-Communion Notas mihi
Track 8-Trio Sonata in G: Finale (S. 530) J.S. Bach (organ)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Track 9-Introit Omnis terra
Track 10-Gradual Misit Dominus
Track 11-Alleluia Laudate Deum
Track 12-Offertory Jubilate Deo
Track 13-Canzona Quarta in F G. Frescobaldi (organ)
Track 14-Communion Dicit Dominus
Track 15-Francaise (#4 from Suite Francaise) J. Langlais (organ)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Track 16-Introit Adorate Deum
Track 17-Gradual Timebunt gentes Track 18-Alleluia Dominus regnavit
Track 19-Offertory Dextera Domini
Track 20-Fantaisie en echo in A J.P. Sweelinck (organ)
Track 21-Communion Comedite pinguia
Track 22- Concerto after Vivaldi in A minor (S. 593) 1st movement J.S. Bach (organ)