Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity
"Christianity was meant by Jesus to be a living experience of being in the trinitarian community - of being loved infinitely by the Father, in his Son Jesus Christ, through his Holy Spirit. In the earliest centuries of Christianity, theologians - especially in the East - thought, taught, and believed mystically about the indwelling Trinity that lived with and transformed Christians into divinized children of God. The East still offers a rich model of participating in God's presence and experiencing the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Maloney approaches this mystery of the Trinity as a dynamic movement of God toward us through his two hands: in the words of St. Irenaeus, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. By drawing insights from the holy scriptures, the Eastern Fathers, and mystics of all ages, Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity offers an intriguing vision of God as invading Love."